AADM Welcome Back Meeting: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone-Jan 5th

The AADM monthly meeting will be held the first Saturday of each month at 12 pm starting January 5th, 2019. This is a great way to stay engaged and get involved with AADM. Members and the general public are welcomed to attend. This special edition is designed to encourage attendees to “Step outside their comfort zone” and watch the “Get Comfortable” docu-film about the Athens disenfranchised community produced by DT and Creature Comforts.

Following the docu-film, attendees will participate in a 30-minute speed networking session and receive a brief update on AADM 2018 achievements, 2019 demands/agenda, programs/successes and WHERE WE’RE GOING.

Attendees will learn more about the AADM End School To Prison Pipeline Program, AADM Civil Rights Advocates Committee, and more. Join us!

Get Comfortable Teaser_V1 from DTproductions on Vimeo.